Albert Ascoli’s first job in 1928, aged sixteen, was as a cook for the cane cutters in the Clarence River district, around Maclean, Palmers Channel and Yamba, NSW. Cane cutters gang at Palmers Channel, abt 1928. From left: unknown, unknown, Bill Baker, Len Sutherland, Albert Ascoli, Jack Schipp, unknown. In front sitting: Fred Gard. Albert (1912-2001), my Dad, left school at about 14 years of age and worked on family farms before he had his first paying job as a cane cutters cook. Grandad Alf Ascoli (1872-1956) carting sugar cane on the Palmers Channel family farm, about 1918. Grandad Alf Ascoli ploughing the land on the Palmers Channel family farm, about 1920. Uncle Vince (Vincent Ascoli 1918-1997) on the back of the plough. Albert worked as a cane cutters cook for about six years (1928-1936) before he married Bridget Gooley. After his marriage he was a farmer in the Clarence River and Richmond River districts. Wedding Day, Albert Ascoli and Bridget Gooley, 1936 What did Albe...
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